Privacy policy

1. What does this privacy policy text means?

In this Privacy Notice (the "Privacy policy"), we provide you with information about how the Lithuanian Orienteering Federation (in short "LOSF") handles your personal information obtained: Hereinafter, all person whose data are processed by LOSF are referred to as Data Subjects.

2. About data keeper

Lietuvos Orientavimosi Sporto Federacija, Žemaitės g. 6, 415 kab., LT-03117, Vilnius. Phone. +370 5 2151311, email:

LOSF is the creator and maintainer of "Omaps" app. Ši programėlė sukurta skatinti susidomėjimą orientavimosi sportu bei padėti jau užsiimantiems šia sporto šaka vykdyti renginius, pravesti treniruotes bei varžybas.

Su LOSF paskirtu duomenų apsaugos pareigūnu galite susisiekti el. paštu:

3. Kas yra asmens duomenys?

Personal data is any information collected by LOSF about the Data Subject that may

be used to directly or indirectly identify the data subject and are stored electronically.

Personal data includes any information, including the data subject's name, surname, e-mail, date of birth, collected about the Data subject for the purposes of "Omaps" app usage.

4. Why and what data are we keeping?

When registering we ask Data subject's name, surname, email and birth-date. Also, if you login with 3rd-party service, that is Google or Facebook, we keep Data subject's ID of their profile, which is needed to relate registration in "Omaps" app.

We also track Data subject's results that he's achieved in the app, also identify winners if some training or competition is organized with the "Omaps" app.

5. Why and what data are we keeping

5.1. Right to access to your personal data
We want you to fully understand how we use your personal data and not experience any inconvenience as a result. You can contact us at any time to ask if we process any of your personal data. If we store or use your personal data in any way, you have the right to access it. To do so, submit a written request to us at the email address provided in this Privacy Notice by email or post.

5.2. Right to remove data
You also have a right to ask to delete your personal data. This right is guaranteed by GDPR 17 article.

5.3. Right to restrict data managing
You have the right to ask us to restrict or not process the your personal data according to BDAR 21 article.

6. Data subjects rights

You can accomplish your rights:

● By righting us an email to: The request must be electronically signed or accompanied by a notarized copy of an identity document in order to verify your identity.

● By sending a registered letter to Žemaitės g. 6, 415 kab, LT-03117, Vilnius, Lietuva, request must be signed. The request must be accompanied by a notarized copy of your identity document.

● You can also accomplish your rights through a representative. In this case, your representative must provide your name, contact details, a copy of an identity document certified by a notary, information about you: name, surname, other data on the basis of which we could identify you as a data subject, as well as a notarized copy of the document supporting your representation.

The request must be legible, signed, contain the name and surname of the Data subject and other data for communication in the desired form, information on which of the Data subject's rights and to what extent the Data subject wishes to exercise.

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, as well as the questions about your rights, or believe that your rights as a data subject might have been violated, please contact us immediately by e-mail: We ensure that upon receipt of your request, we will contact you within a reasonable time and inform you about the progress of the request, as well as the decision made.

If you are not satisfied with our answer or decision, you also have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority - the State Data Protection Inspectorate. email:, address: L. Sapiegos g. 17, Vilnius, Lietuva, website:

7. Privacy policy changes

We may update or change this Privacy policy at any time. Such updated or amended Privacy policy will take effect on the date of its publication. We recommend that you review the latest version of the Privacy policy.

This policy was last updated at 2022-04-30.